Your Breasts and Your Self-Esteem
July 7, 2016
Summer brings with it heat, and with high temperatures the shorts get shorter and the tops get smaller. For many women who have small breasts, summer also brings with it feelings of low self-esteem and self-consciousness.
Clothes and bathing suits that are made for women are cut on a bias for a woman’s figure. Most shirts, blouses, and dresses are cut with an hourglass shape, perfect for women who have adequate breast tissues, a small waist, and curvy hips. However, there is no one specific shape to women’s bodies, and those who are smaller in the breast area often find that they do not fill out the upper portion of clothing garments that are meant to flaunt the breasts. The same is true of bathing suits. Most bathing suit tops are meant to accentuate or show off the breasts, yet for women who have smaller chests this is often a source of discontentment.
Dr. Hunter Moyer, MD, understands that the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery is a very personal decision. He has the knowledge, training, and experience to help women find their inner beauty and revealing it to the world. While most women are not encouraged to have extremely large breast implants inserted, women can find a substantial change in the appearance of their body with breast implants of a moderate size. During your consultation, Dr. Moyer will walk you through the procedure and help you choose the surgical options, size, shape, and texture that you desire for your new breasts.
With the down time of breast augmentation surgery being only a few short weeks, you still have plenty of time left this summer to gain the breast size that you have always wanted and show them off in a new bathing suit! If your small breasts are affecting your self-esteem level, please contact the cosmetic and plastic surgery practice of Dr. Hunter Moyer, MD. Our entire staff understands that how you feel about yourself overlaps into every area of your life. We are here to help you put your best self forward.
Posted on behalf of Dr. Hunter Moyer
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